Monday, 14 April 2014

Beautiful Books

We found some beautifully crafted books by Artist and architect Yusuke Oono.
We thought they looked amazing.

We wondered how he made them?
We wondered what he used to make them?
We wondered how long it took him to make them?
We wondered who or what inspired him?
We wondered if he has won any competitions using these books?
We wondered when he made his first one?
We wondered if he sells them?

Cut out books
Click on this link to look at more pictures of the books.

360 story book cutouts by yusuke oono (1)

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Assembly Item - Taku Whanau

Taku Whanau - My Family

Today at assembly we shared our family collages and some words about our families. We have also talked about our class being like a family too, so we had this photo on the screen above us during our presentation.
 If you would like to see the artwork, we will be hanging it up in our classroom soon.
Everyone did a great job presenting it!

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

The Opera!

Today was the day the Opera came school. 

The NZ Opera Company brought their version of The Magic flute and the Stolen Sun to Hutt Central today. It was great having them here.

"I thought it was awesome, I would recommend it to everyone!"  Isla


We have been trialling Mathletics in our class over the last week or so. There will be a decision made about whether or not we sign up to Mathletics soon. There will be a cost for each student if we do.

Comments from our class.

'I heard that it's the number one learning place. I like live mathletics, you can do it with your class.'  William T

'It's awesome, it's good you can challenge other people in your classroom. And it's good that the teacher can give you harder challenges.'  Luca K

'You can do tasks. You can get new tasks every day and the teacher can give you tasks.' Jiteesh

Feel free to leave a comment about Mathletics.

Monday, 7 April 2014


Today in class we started talking about philosophical questions. Questions that have no right or wrong answer. We read a story about drooping flowers which bought up this question.

Do flowers have feelings?

We all shared our ideas and had a really interesting discussion.

Feel free to discuss this question at home!

Sticky Note Thoughts

Click on the link above and add your thoughts onto sticky notes on the page. Double click anywhere on the page, write your name and your thoughts. Who will be the first to write a note?

We will have other questions every now and again, which we will post on here.

Sunday, 6 April 2014


This weeks homework is to present your mihi to the class. 

On Friday you will need to present your mihi to the class orally. 

You will need to find out some of your family history to be able to complete the mihi. 

Tena Koutou Katoa, 

Ko ___________________ taku ingoa

Ko ___________________ taku mama

Ko ___________________ taku papa

Ko ___________________ te maunga - My mountain is...

Ko ___________________ te awa - My river is...

Ko ___________________ te moana

Ko ___________________ taku kura - My school is...

No reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena tatou katoa.

Therefore, greetings to you, greetings to you, greetings to us all.

The river for this area is Te awa kairangi.

The mountain for this area is Pukeariki.

The sea for this area is Te Whanganui-a-tara

If you are Maori you can include your marae, tribe, canoe.