Wednesday 2 July 2014

We are moving classes!! New Blog name ideas!!

Tomorrow we start moving our class. 

We are moving from Room 9 to Room 5. We are really looking forward to having more space. Since we looked at the room last week, we have been using our imaginations to think about how we would like to use it. 

Here are some of our ideas. 

  • On the lino we should put our hand prints on it to show creativity - Grace m

  • I think we should have a art wall because it will make the classroom have a bling - India

  • We should have at least 3+ learning corners. One is the library, technology corner and a extra one if there is enough space - William B

  • We should have a little chalkboard each and we should put them on the wall and write how we’re feeling today it would help us let other people know that we’re either not too good so people will give us a bit of space or that they’re really happy so we can hang out with them and we don’t have give them so many chances - Isla

  • We should have a place where we/you put some maths questions on so each day we can test ourselves and on Friday MissM tests us Because it helps us with our maths. By the whiteboard there should be clouds so when you’re teaching us, we can use our imagination - Amisha

  • Since some of us want clouds stuck on the wall and you could write stuff on it. If there is any spare whiteboards, we could cut them out into cloud shape.

  • I think we should have a corner where we can chill - James. D

  • I think we should be aloud to have a bean bag each or have as a chair a wheely chairs:-) And in a corner should be like somewhere like where we can do Daily 5! - Ariana :D

  • We should have a tv because it can make our class much bigger
      by amil

  • I think we should have a little hut for maths. a wall for all the all good work. go kart chairs, moon hoppers and a fun and sporty display to the class - by Tobey

  • We should try and get a Reading to Someone Corner- Rohan :D

Hopefully the weather is good tomorrow!

As we will no longer be in Room 9, we need to change the name of our blog. 

What are your ideas?

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