Tuesday 28 October 2014

E - Learning Evening

Tomorrow we have an e-learning evening where every parent is welcome to come in and have a look at how we use e-learning in our classes. 6:30 - 7:30pm

This morning we brainstormed all the different ways we use e-learning in our classroom these are the things we came up with...

Pic Collage         Blog                       Free rice 

Mathletics           Ikans                     Math slide and other Ipad games

Google Docs       Khan Academy        Kiwikidsnews

Skooville            Kahoot (quiz game)       Maths Games

Studyladder        Educreations                 Youtube (sharing and showing videos)  


Haiku Deck        Teachertools  (maths)    Literacy Shed (writing ideas)

If you can't come tomorrow, get your child to show you, or tell you about how they use all the things listed above. 

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