Thursday 20 November 2014

Water afternoon!

On Tuesday we finally had our water afternoon.

Here are some photos.

Everyone said that it was an awesome afternoon!

Monday 17 November 2014

Water Afternoon Tomorrow

Dear Parents/Caregivers 

Tomorrow afternoon Room Five will be having a water afternoon as a reward.

Please bring:



change of clothes

You can also bring:

water balloons
water slides
water guns

Tuesday 28 October 2014

E - Learning Evening

Tomorrow we have an e-learning evening where every parent is welcome to come in and have a look at how we use e-learning in our classes. 6:30 - 7:30pm

This morning we brainstormed all the different ways we use e-learning in our classroom these are the things we came up with...

Pic Collage         Blog                       Free rice 

Mathletics           Ikans                     Math slide and other Ipad games

Google Docs       Khan Academy        Kiwikidsnews

Skooville            Kahoot (quiz game)       Maths Games

Studyladder        Educreations                 Youtube (sharing and showing videos)  


Haiku Deck        Teachertools  (maths)    Literacy Shed (writing ideas)

If you can't come tomorrow, get your child to show you, or tell you about how they use all the things listed above. 

Monday 20 October 2014

Telescopic text.

We had a look at telescopic text today. It's text that you can click on to to see the detail that can be added.  We looked at this website

I made tea.
by Joe  >

This link is to a website where you can make your own telescopic text.

Have a go!

Room 5 Class Spelling Bee

Over the next few weeks you will need to be practicing their spelling bee lists. At the end of week 4 on the 7th of November the spelling bee test will be given. We have also added in a donation part of learning the words. This is purely for our class only. A donation sheet will be sent home with each leveled spelling list. If you do not want to use the donation sheet that is fine it is not compulsory. Please refer to the donation sheet for more instructions. 

One strategy you can use to learn your words is it to access You do not need a login or password for this site you can just put your words in and go. There are lots of different ways to practice on the site, so have fun and explore. 

On completion of the test you will receive a certificate and you will need to gather up any donation money you have raised and bring it along to school. We will then donate it to either Kids Can or Unicef. 

Monday 22 September 2014

New Quote/s


We don't have to be ordinary, make your best mistakes.


I hope you’ll make mistakes. If you’re making mistakes, it 

means you’re out there doing something. And the 

mistakes in themselves can be useful.…

And now go, and make interesting mistakes, make 

amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic 


Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being 

here. Make good art. 

                                                                                               Neil Gaiman

Sunday 21 September 2014

Choice - Our Unfolding Stories.

We are nearing the end of the Choice programme. 

Last week most of us shared our unfolding stories. It was really interesting to see what each person put into their stories and it was great to find out a bit more about each other. 

We are really looking forward to going to the pool on Thursday as a way of marking the end of our programme. Hopefully the weather is good!

Our reasonably serious photo.

Our not so serious photo

Science Roadshow photos

What was your favourite part of the Science Roadshow? How many comments can we get?

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Squirrel v/s Eagle Narrative

Also, today we had a visitor in our class, a baby earwig. We thought this might be a good idea for a story. Feel free to give this a go. Use Google Docs and share what you write, we would love to see your ideas. 

Sunday 31 August 2014

Choice Homework due Friday 12th of September

Unfolding Story

Your unfolding story needs to be completed by the Friday 12th of September and brought into class.  

It needs to be well presented, have clear sections with titles above each section. 

The unfolding story must have the Affirmation Chart. The rest is up to you. 

Write, draw, use photos, cut-outs, colours, magazines, internet, junk mail etc...

Here are some ideas for your chart - 

All about my family. A family tree. 
Write about my friends.
Write about the things I like and don't like.
My favourite book - A book review.
The activities I enjoy.
Best movie, computer game, tv programme.
My special day. 
Animals I adore, things I love. 
Foods I adore. 
The best place I've been to. 
My dreams when I'm older. 
A person I like or admire.
About my culture. 
Places I would like to go to, places I have been.

Thursday 28 August 2014