Sunday, 31 August 2014

Choice Homework due Friday 12th of September

Unfolding Story

Your unfolding story needs to be completed by the Friday 12th of September and brought into class.  

It needs to be well presented, have clear sections with titles above each section. 

The unfolding story must have the Affirmation Chart. The rest is up to you. 

Write, draw, use photos, cut-outs, colours, magazines, internet, junk mail etc...

Here are some ideas for your chart - 

All about my family. A family tree. 
Write about my friends.
Write about the things I like and don't like.
My favourite book - A book review.
The activities I enjoy.
Best movie, computer game, tv programme.
My special day. 
Animals I adore, things I love. 
Foods I adore. 
The best place I've been to. 
My dreams when I'm older. 
A person I like or admire.
About my culture. 
Places I would like to go to, places I have been.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

I want the Hurricanes to come to our school. A piece of persuasive writing by Tobey

I want the hurricanes to come our school
We all love the hurricanes and wish that they would come to our school. Well I hope that could come true, I'm here to persuade the hurricanes to come to our school.

Now for all the times I’ve been at hutt central school us year sixes have never had the hurricanes come to our school. They are a bunch of awesome people with a good influence . At Hutt Central School we have lots of hurricanes fans.

Now we all know that the the hurricanes have awesome skills and we want to develop their awesome skills. we know that the hurricanes have awesome skills but maybe we could show them our pretty good skills. Maybe at the end of the day our rugby team that will face wellesley college maybe could face the hurricanes in a game of ruggers which would be awesome but i doubt that would happen.

If the rugby game didn’t we could have back ups, like a round of challenges and they would be, who can eat the weetbix and who can kick the furthest from the start of the field to the end of the field.
so this is when we have to give into them. in return we will give them a top of the hurricanes (2014) with hutt central school badge printed on the top.

so im here to persuade the hurricanes to come to Hutt Central School.

by Tobey room 5

No Milk by Amil. A piece of persuasive writing.

                                         No Milk!                                                                                                                               The students at hutt central school are not drinking the milk, so start drinking it now!  No one is drinking the milk, it is just a waste. Some schools don't even get milk.

Some people are drinking it halfway it is just a waste, the students should drink it. It is healthy for you. At Hutt Central School there were 48 milk carton that weren't drunk the other day. That is bad. Fold the milk carton so the bucket won't' get sticky and drink it all. Don’t pour the milk in the bucket or we won’t have a clean bucket. Here is a fact milk, it is healthy for you.  
Keep a healthy environment!     By Amil

School Makeover - Piece of Persuasive Writing by Mia

School Makeover
Dear Mr Downman.

Although not everybody would agree, I want to argue that we should makeover the whole school and playgrounds.

I have several reasons for arguing for this point of view. My first reason is most of the classes have either stained or smelly carpet that looks old.

A further reason is, our school would look so good, it would encourage parents to bring their kids to our school.

Furthermore children are always complaining that they want new playgrounds. I can’t blame them because we have had the playgrounds for ages now!

Therefore, although some people will argue that it will be too expensive but we can fundraise! I mean it doesn’t have to happen right now! It could happen in a few years time.

I think I have shown that we should makeover the whole school and playgrounds!

New Quote - Christopher Robin

"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."

-- Christopher Robin to Winnie the Pooh

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Amisha's Piece of Persuasive Writing


Do you smoke? Well if you do, read this.
Smoking is dangerous. Over 443,000 people die from smoking worldwide every year! I think people should stop smoking because its really bad for your health & also can cause cancer. “Where do cigarettes go?” Well, they just go to landfill just like other rubbish. They break down after a while.

A further reason is if you walk past someone who is smoking it can get into your lungs and its just as bad as actually smoking. Another reason why you should stop is that it affects people around you.

Here are a few facts about smoking.
* Every cigarette you smoke reduces your expected lifespan by 11 minutes.
* A single cigarette contains over 4,800 chemicals, 69 of them are known to cause Cancer. Some of the chemicals are Nicotine, Tobacco etc.
* 15 billion cigarettes are smoked worldwide. These are the top 5 countries that smoke the most: Serbia , Bulgaria , Greece, Russia, and Moldova
*8.6 million people live with a serious illness caused by Cancer. You can also get Lung cancer, Bronchitis and other illnesses caused by smoking.

Therefore, although some people might argue that Smoking isn't against the law but i think it should be.

I think i have shown that smoking causes you to have a bad health and can kill you at an early age.  

By Amisha :)

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Persuasive writing videos



Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Constable Blue starting the Choice programme

 On Tuesday Constable Blue came to school to introduce the Choice programme to the senior syndicate.

New Philosophy Question

Click the link below to get to the Padlet and add your thoughts!
What makes a good friend? Padlet

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Two pieces of persuasive writing.

Are these pieces of writing effective, will you change your mind about using takeaway cups?

Too Many Takeaway Coffee Cups

Hey! Did you have a coffee this morning? If you did I hope it wasn't takeaway, because in New Zealand we throw away 100 million coffee cups a year, for an idea of what that looks like we could make a cone the size of the sky tower or two olympic swimming pools.

They don't only fill the landfill they are also biodegradable which means they create gases, which causes global warming and pollutes the world.

Global warming will ruin arctic animals habitats and make many extinct.

We can stop this by telling local coffee shops to invest in reusable coffee cups or take your own coffee cups.

You can choose save the world or watch it burn!!!

By James S

For Coffee Lovers

Are you a coffee lover? If you are, read this.

Everyday more and more takeaway coffee cups are thrown into bins. Wonder where coffee cups go? Does it go to the recycling centre, or the landfill? The answer is Landfill. The plastic coating that keeps the coffee in the cup cannot be recycled. So it is thrown into the landfill. Does it break down? Sadly no, even after a year it would still not break down.

Over 400 billion coffee cups is thrown into the landfill worldwide, annually. In NZ, every year 100 million coffee cups are thrown into the landfill. A 100 million crushed cups is enough to fill nearly two Olympic Swimming Pools, or a rugby field 60 cm deep, or coffee cups stacked as high as the Sky Tower, or even stacked all the way from NZ to Honolulu.

With coffee cups and food in the landfill, when they try to break down a gas called methane is produced. With more and more methane, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, it will cause global warming to happen faster. But whats global warming? Global warming is the earths temperature increasing. How though? The sun faces the earth to produce heat/light. But a gas called carbon dioxide keeps the heat inside the atmosphere and that increases the temperature. If the temperature increases due to global warming, intense weather will start happening more often like storms, floods etc. Another reason why global warming is dangerous is that all the arctic places will melt and there will no longer be arctic species like polar bears etc.

If we don't do anything by not selling reusable coffee cups or not reusing the coffee cups, serious outcomes will happen. We need to do SOMETHING. Encourage people to reuse coffee cups, or ask your barista to use a reusable cup, or even make art with the coffee cups!
If you care about the environment, stop using takeaway coffee cups.

Help save our environment, do something.

By William B

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Wow! Wow! Wow!

Wow, what do think about this youtube clip??  

This clip is in Japanese but there are english captions underneath. A good way to challenge your reading and understanding skills  - CO2 = carbon dioxide

Map of the world showing the amount of rubbish, on average, each person throws away each day, in each country.

Can you work out what this map shows about how much rubbish New Zealanders throw away?

Persuasive Speech

What did you think about the speech, did she do a good job persuading you to change what you do?

Which bits of her speech do you think worked well? What ideas does it give you for your next piece of persuasive writing?

Our Awesome Trip

On Tuesday Room 5 went to the Dowse. We went there to look at jewellery.
We looked at jewellery that people had made out of recycled stuff and other things.

These are the name of the exhibitions we went to see.

This is some of the jewellery we saw at the exhibition.

After we had a look around we went to the workshop. We went there to make some badges/brooches. Jolie walked around with us and then took us up to do the badges.  
Tyler with her badge
Here is Sano putting the glue on his badge. 

Group photo

These are our badges drying.

It was an awesome sunny day to go on a trip. 

 By Tyler and Luca, with some technical help from Amisha

Polar Bear information

As part of our persuasive Reduce/Reuse/Recycling writing unit, we were talking about global warming. We made a connection between global warming and Polar Bears. So we started to do a bit of research, about how polar bears might be affected by global warming.
We found this website that gave us some facts about what could/will happen to our polar bear population.



How do you feel about how global warming could affect polar bears?

What can we do about it? What can you do about it? What can our families do about it?
What can our communities do about it? What can our governments do about it?